
In the world of geeks, there is a watch called binary watch which can display current date time in the power of 2. My thinking on why this kind of watch exists is because it can display the time with the minimum amount of number.


1, 2, 4, 8 is the hour time. Multiple lights on hours could also be on to indicate hour(8+2+1 = 11) however hour will be less than 12. 32,16,8,4,2,1 will be used to display minutes.

It is a perfect representation for the light I want to build. Each light with a specific color in the addressable light stands for on number.


The mapping for minutes:

5: 32 - white(100,100,100)

4: 16 - cyan( 100, 0, 100)

3: 8 - blue(0,0,100)

2: 4- green (0,100,0)

1: 2- yellow (100,100,0)

0: 1- purple(100,0,100)


In the beginning, i am thinking using two lights each counting hours and minutes but since I did a terrible soldering work so that I brunt a light. My light will only count 60 second now. I will ask for another addressable light or maybe two from Tom :)

The complete product will consist two parts, one is the physical interface which is the two addressable lights in a box. I am also thinking adding a web interface which users can set any time in the world and send the time to the Arduino through REST API. The web interface also display the time the Arduino are counting right now.